About the Panel:
This panel event will provide a high-level discussion on algorithmic bias, particularly from a Canadian perspective. Earlier in the week, we will be doing a screening of Coded Bias followed by a Q&A with the director as a way to engage the community with a topic that is not only extremely prevalent to our times, but that has received intrigue from a large range of individuals. The panel will then take that general topic of algorithmic bias and speak to it at a high level, delving into the realities that industry and the academic community are facing and the ethical implications that go along with it. We are fortunate to have expert panelists providing perspectives from health and privacy, industry, political philosophy, and privacy-preserving machine learning.
Marc-Antoine Dilhac (Canada Research Chair in Public Ethics and Political Theory)
Aline Talhouk (Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, UBC)
Mijung Park (Canada CIFAR AI Chair)
Blaise Agüera y Arcas (VP and Research Fellow, Google Research)
Azim Shariff (Associate Professor and Research Chair, Psychology, UBC).
Brought to you by the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Health Cluster Alliance.
For more info and registration, visit https://braincircuits.centreforbrainhealth.ca/who-we-are/justice-equity-diversity-and-inclusion-jedi-health-cluster-alliance.
Watch the recording: