Fiber photometry enables optical recording from genetically targeted sub-populations of neurons throughout the brain during freely moving active behaviour. It also enables the recording of such signals from disparate brain areas.
When coupled with new recombinant optical sensors for neurotransmitters such as dopamine, it will enable selective real time assessment systems critical for psychiatric disorders.

Fiber photometry and assessment of motor function: (a) Human reaching trajectories comparing controls to HD patients adapted from Klein et al. (2011) showing an imbalance in striatal circuits. (b) Markerless quantification of paw trajectories in animal models using Deeplabcut (DLC) adapted from Mathis et al. (2018). (c) Expression of multiple reporters in the striatum for fiber photometry readout of brain activity during task-dependent behaviours (rotorod data from Raymond Lab UBC shown). (d) Planned fiber photometry based neurofeedback during a mouse reaching task. Two-color/projection pathway fiber photometry signals adapted from Markowitz et al. (2018) used as feedback signal presented to the animal via a tone or directly stimulates dopamine release via another optical fiber. Mice will be trained to optimize the strength of striatal activity in the direct pathway. Assessment of reaching performance via video and realtime DLC (Forys et al. (2018), Murphy Lab UBC).
Key publications
Gunaydin, L. A. et al. Natural neural projection dynamics underlying social behavior. Cell 157, 1535–1551 (2014).
Daviu, N. et al. Visual-looming Shadow Task with in-vivo Calcium Activity Monitoring to Assess Defensive Behaviors in Mice. Bio-Protocol 10, (2020).