Tools For Collaboration and Remote Neuroscience: May 29, 2021
COVID-19 and UBC’s research curtailment impacts all aspects of teaching and scholarship and changes the way we approach these activities. The Dynamic Brain Circuits cluster presented approaches and tools which have become useful (or more useful) to enable collaboration and remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting was hosted by Dr. Tim Murphy (lead Dynamic Brain Circuits cluster) and consisted of 5, 10 min talks: Slack Workspaces (Peter Hogg, DBC Neurodata tutor, Haas lab), Open Science Framework (Annika Wevers, DBC co-op student), remote access to computers (Jeff LeDue, DMCBH), running jobs on the Alder computer cluster (Justin Jao, Ciernia lab) and remote data analysis with Jupyterhub (Patrick Coleman, Haas lab). The materials from this presentation can be found here.